Board of Directors papers are the documents produced for the monthly business meetings of the Board of Directors. 

The agenda shows what items will be discussed and the minutes are of the previous meeting. The minutes need to be agreed by the Board.

Please note that not all papers are available electronically.

If you would like to see papers from earlier than is available here, please email

Questions from governors and the public are requested in advance of the meeting to be submitted by 4pm the Monday prior to the meeting.

July 2024

The public board of directors meeting is held on Wednesday 24 July 2024 from 9.30am to 12.45pm.

The meeting will held at Centre Court (Room 2.1), Atlas Way, and via Microsoft Teams: Click here to join the meeting

Attendance must be confirmed via

Questions from the governors and the public are requested in advance of the meeting. Please submit questions by 12pm on Monday 22 July 2024 to

June 2024

Extra ordinary meeting held on 26th June from 9.30-9.45am. Available to observe via MS Teams: Join the meeting now 

Attendance must be confirmed to

Questions in advance of the meeting can be submitted to by 12pm on Monday 24th June. 


00  EO Public BoD 26 June 2024 Agenda

03(i) EO Public BoD June 2024 Quality Account 2023-24

03(ii) EO Public BoD June 2024 Annual Governance Statement 2023-24 Final for approval

July 2023

The public Board of Directors meeting is being held on Wednesday 26 July 2023 from 10.00am to 3.35pm.

Questions from governors and the public are requested in advance of the meeting. Please submit questions by 4pm on Monday 24 July 2023 to


Item 4 Minutes of the Public Board of Directors meeting held on 24 May

Item 4  Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Public Board of Directors meeting held on 28 June

Item 5 Action Log

Item 7 Chief Executive Briefing

Item 8 Board Committee Activity Report

Item 9 Operational resilience and business continuity

Item 10 Quality Assurance Report

Item 11 Quality Improvement bi-annual progress report

Item 12 Transformation Portfolio Report

Item 13 South Yorkshire ICB Joint Forward Plan

Item 14 Integrated Performance and Quality Report- summary sheet 

Item 14 Integrated Performance  and Quality Report 

Item 15 Annual Complaints Report

Item 16 Patient Safety Report Q4 2022/23

Item 17 Financial Performance Report (month two)

Item 18 Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer (CDAO) Annual Report

Item 19 People Strategy (People Delivery Plan progress Q1)

Item 20 Workforce Race Equality (WRES) and Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) report

Item 20 Appendix 1 WDES Report and Action Plan

Item 20 Appendix 2 WRES Report and Action Plan 

Item 21 Estates strategy (2012-2026 - approved July 2021) annual review and progress update

Item 22 Formal receipt of Auditors report for the year ended March 2023

Item 22 Appendix 1 - 360 Assurance HOIAO Report 

Item 22 Appendix 2 KPMG Final SHSC Annual Report 

Item 23 Medical Revalidation Annual Report

Item 24 Annual reports from the Board Assurance Committees

Item 26 Board Assurance Framework 2023-24

Item 27 Corporate Risk Register

Item 28 Corporate Governance Report

Item 29 Board Work Programme for 2023/24

Extraordinary Meeting 22 June 2022

Extraordinary Open Board - December 2021

Extraordinary Open Board - June 2021

Extraordinary Open Board - December 2020

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