Lived Experience Member - Lived Experience and Co-Production Assurance Group (one post)

  • This role would suit an individual who has an interest in ensuring that the voice of people who use services and their families and carers are represented in the Trust.
  • We would welcome applicants from communities marginalised by race or ethnicity.
  • There are a number of vacancies to ensure wide representation from mental health, learning disability and community services for people of all ages.
  • The role requires the individual to read papers and listen to presentations for the purposes of assuring the Trust that the experience of people who use services (and their families and carers) are being heard, listened to and acted upon with respect to the quality, service design and delivery.
  • The role requires thoughtful debate and challenge to ensure that all services are challenged to report on experience and engagement
  • This role may suit someone who has experience of attending meetings and understands the function of assurance.
  • The role requires pre reading of a number of a papers for the committee, this may take up to half a day in preparation before the meeting - the meeting itself takes three hours.
  • Individuals who represent persons with protected characteristics are most welcomed to apply for this post.
  • Communicating with SHSC employees (including, but not limited to, Engagement and Experience Team, Occupational Therapists, Ward Staff) and service users.
  • Exercise good personal time management, punctuality, and consistent reliability.
  • Being able to record/write down and pass on information collected from these conversations.
  • The time commitment is one day every three months to pre read and attend the meeting. Pre meeting briefings will be offered to support induction and understanding of the role and requirements of attendance.

To find out more about this role email

Quality visits (ongoing recruitment)

  • These roles would suit individuals who may have had lived experience of being an inpatient, however this isn’t essential as training and support will be given
  • These visits form a suite of standards visits that are undertaken to ensure that staff, service users and others work together to identify improvements that can be made to enhance the patient experience
  • You will have an eye for detail and ideas of how different areas could be improved
  • You will be able to write down/record and share the information received.

Being part of an interview panel (ongoing recruitment)

  • It is important that SHSC invites both service users and carers to be a part of interview panels, as your lived experiences are invaluable
  • You will be confident being with other people and can share your views
  • You will be able to both read and write in English and can share your ideas with the other panel members
  • You will have good time management skills, and can work in a professional manner adhering to the Trust's strict codes of confidentiality.

Expert by Experience - Research

The exact role description will vary slightly depending on which aspects of our research you are involved in but in general:

  • Post holders will have lived experience of mental illness/learning disability/autism/head or brain injury/gender identity as relevant for the research project or experience of being a carer
  • Post holders will have an interest and/or experience in research and a willingness to improve their skills and knowledge
  • Post holders will be able to engage and work with a variety of teams from SHSC, third and voluntary sector, other NHS Trusts and academic institutions (e.g. universities)
  • Post holders will be willing to undertake any necessary training for their role
  • Post holders will have the opportunity to be involved in various aspects of research at SHSC, including but not limited to; Lived Experience Research Partnership, involvement in the research, innovation and effectiveness strategy and its implementation, coproduction in research, advising researchers and research study teams from the lived experience point of view, being part of designing and delivering research studies.

These positions are not available yet, but please do contact us to leave your expressions of interest, and details, and we will be in touch with you when applications open.

To find out more about this role email:

People with lived experience of the support we provide offer an invaluable insight on what it's like to receive care.

By sharing those lived experiences you can help us identify where we could make improvements and help to make a real difference to other people who are in the same position as you were.

Current lived experience roles

All of our lived experience roles below are available as paid (Agenda for Change band 4) or volunteer positions.

We are offering you a choice on whether your role will be paid or not because of the implications of taking on paid work if you claim certain benefits. This helpful document explains some key things you need to bear in mind if you would like to apply for a paid role.

Whether you choose a paid or volunteer role, you will be given the same training and support from our lived experience team.

If you would like to apply for one of these roles please complete this application form and email it to

Find out more about each role here:

Other things you need to know

Here are a few more details about our lived experience roles.

What you can expect from us

  • Nominated person to go to if any problems occur
  • Adequate training to carry out the role including volunteer or paid induction and any other training that they and the group leader deem to be appropriate to the role
  • Signposting to the relevant policies e.g Volunteer Policy, Social Media Policy or Code of Conduct
  • Support and supervision from SHSC Engagement and Experience Team – including specific support from other Lived Experience Practitioners if necessary
  • Reimbursement of expenses (e.g travel) with proof of receipts
  • A brief and debrief prior and after the meeting if both parties deem this necessary, including any useful information to be shared prior to the meetings.

What we expect from you

  • To conduct yourself in the same professional high standards expected from staff
  • To understand that as a member of staff (paid or volunteering) you are representing the Trust and its values
  • To be open and honest about any difficulties you may encounter
  • To maintain communication with supervisors and our Engagement and Experience Team.


Currently meetings take place via Microsoft Teams, however, where a suitable candidate is unable to access Microsoft Teams within their usual home setting we can arrange that they attend the meeting alongside a Trust colleague on Trust premises subject to the COVID-19 guidance. We will actively support anyone who needs technological support to attend meetings.


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