Our board of directors is responsible for leading the Trust. The directors provide our strategic direction and make decisions based on the needs of the people we support.
Board membership
Our board of directors all bring a wealth of experience in their professional field, providing informed leadership and guidance for the Trust.

Download our board of directors poster.
Find out more about each member of the board here:
Some of the work carried out by the board is split into different committees, which have the authority to make decisions. These committees are:
- Audit and risk committee
- Finance and performance committee
- Mental health legislation committee
- People committee
- Quality assurance committee
- Remuneration and nominations committee
Find out more about these committees and the terms of reference for each here.
Register of interests
All of our board members are required to publicly declare any conflicts of interest they have that may affect their role.
You can view each board member's register of interests on their profile above.
Or read the full board of directors register of interests here.
If you would like to access registers from previous years please email Amber.Wild@shsc.nhs.uk
Board papers
Our board of directors meets once a month and these meetings are open to members of the public.
Each meeting has a private section in which confidential matters for board members only are discussed.
Board papers are made available for sections that are held in public.
Board of directors meeting dates for 2024
You can expand the section below to have a look at the scheduled meeting dates for 2024.
If you would like to join a meeting please visit the events section as we approach each board of directors meeting.