News listing
This statement provides information about waiting times for ADHD assessments in Sheffield
In June we held a festival of sustainability alongside our Sheffield NHS Trust partners, and we have been reflecting on the successes and learning we can take from the month.
We are developing and piloting a new feedback tool which will help us to understand the quality of care that is being given in a more efficient way.
We've secured funding for two quality improvement projects to improve mental health care in Sheffield.
Dovedale 2 is a more modern, safe and therapeutic space for our staff and service users to be in.
SHSC's sustainability lead, Sarah Ellison, is delighted to announce that SHSC has developed and had externally accredited our first sustainable travel plan.
Colleagues from across the organisation had afternoon tea to mark three decades of SHSC service.
Carers came together at Sheffield Town Hall.
Sheffield’s NHS Trusts are coming together to host a combined festival of sustainability in healthcare next month.
All of these projects have been undertaken to put the comfort and safety of our service users at the forefront, removing ligature anchor points and creating high quality environments for care.