News listing
"Understand the commitment involved and assess if the hands-on learning style suits you. Embrace the opportunity for real-world experience, network with colleagues and mentors, and maintain a resilient mindset through challenges."
"It’s worth the effort and a great way to enhance your skills and qualifications, especially as it is a fully funded route."
"If you’re someone that wants to develop in your role an apprenticeship will be a massive help."
Clinicians, carers, experts by experience and people from across Team SHSC came together to discuss the strategy.
The QUIT team helps service users and staff to give up nicotine.
A team of hardy volunteers came together yesterday to plant 78 new trees at Woodland View nursing home.
An update about what is happening in the community mental health services team.
Helen Crimlisk, deputy medical director at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, opened the National Student Psychiatry Conference, held at the University of Sheffield.
Our new Health Based Place of Safety has opened to service users today, completing 10 months of work to build the new and improved site.
Our consultant psychiatrist for the homeless and former medical director has received the award for services to mental health in England.