The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team provides short-term mental health support at home to help avoid people being admitted to hospital.
We work across Sheffield and provide intensive support to our service users and their carers where there has been a significant deterioration in a person's mental health.
We know that you’re at your best when you’re at home, with your network of friends and family around you. We’ll work with you to minimise risks you’re facing and support you through your crisis.
The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment service is based at the Longley Centre with our the Trust’s Single Point of Access (SPA) service and some of our inpatient wards, supporting duty and crisis assessment, as well as promoting timely discharge back into the community.
How is the service accessed?
Referrals to the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment team are made via the Recovery Service North, Recovery Service South, Single Point of Access, Liaison Psychiatry Service or the Out-Of-Hours Team.
To be referred to the service you must be aged 18 to 65 and be experiencing a relapse in your mental health, or are in a crisis and likely to be admitted to hospital.
As our service is an alternative to admission, 16 and 17 year olds may have access to the service should they already be receiving secondary adult mental health care from another of services such as the Early Intervention service or our Eating Disorders team.
You can take a look at our service eligibility and selection criteria here.
Sharing your feedback on Care Opinion
Care Opinion is an independent organisation that gives you the chance share your experience of using our services, to help us make changes that benefit everyone.
We want you to share honest feedback about our services. Good or bad we want to hear what you think.
You can choose how much detail you want to go into about your personal story, but if there’s anything we could improve on we want to know.
You can give feedback by filling in the form below.