The amount I’m drinking is affecting my quality of life

We can help you. Our alcohol service offers free support to anyone over 18 who lives in Sheffield. If you’re under 18 you can get support from The Corner.

We can give you information, advice, support and treatment to help you.

And we can support you if you are affected by someone else’s drinking.

You can make a referral by giving us a call, dropping us an email or you can even pop-in to see us in person – you don’t need an appointment.

To get support, visit our Alcohol Service page.

I’m taking drugs and I want support

If the use of opiate or non-opiate drugs is affecting your life or the lives of those around you, we can help. You just need to refer yourself to our team who can help you.

We can provide information, advice, support and treatment to help you address your substance use and begin your recovery journey. 

We can also provide advice and support if you are concerned about someone else’s substance misuse. 


If you are looking for support with non-opiate drug use, go to our non-opiates service page and refer yourself to the service.

Non-opiates is a term used to describe all drugs other than opiates like heroin or codeine. 

This includes cannabis, cocaine and crack cocaine, ecstasy/MDMA, ketamine, amphetamines, steroids and novel psychoactive substances such as Spice. 


If you are using opiate drugs and would like support, we can help. You can refer yourself for help at our opiates service page.

Opiates or opioids are the collective term used to describe drugs like heroin, morphine, opium, methadone and buprenorphine.

Prescription and over the counter medicines, such as codeine, dihydrocodeine and tramadol are also classed as opiates and opioids.

All opiates are highly addictive and you can develop a tolerance and dependence quickly. They can have huge impact on your life and the lives of those around you. 

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