The Sheffield Dementia Involvement Group, also known as SHINDIG, is a city-wide forum that meets four times a year and aims to provide opportunities for people living with Dementia in Sheffield (and their family and carers) to share ideas, views and opinions on local services and developments.
Membership is not fixed and SHINDIG is attended by people with dementia, carers and staff from voluntary, health, social care and academic organisations in Sheffield.
The group name comes lively, sociable and fun atmosphere that is created and our logo which represents the fact that we’re ‘all in the same boat’.
After a social lunch the group come together as a whole before breaking into smaller groups.
Staff help facilitate and support conversations where necessary, whilst listening and committing to take back learning to their organisation.
Topics to date have included:
- Experience of GP services
- Experiences and tips on living with dementia
- Experience of receiving a diagnosis and memory services
- Ways people with dementia can influence ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’
- Using iPads and technology to connect and have fun.
SHINDIG is part of the DEEP Network.
DEEP stands for the Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project – it’s the UK network of dementia voices.
DEEP consists of more than 120 groups of people living with dementia across the UK – groups that want to change things.
All of our meetings take place at the Quaker Meeting House from 1pm to 3.15pm. Booking a place is essential so if you’d like to join in just let us know.
Reports from the group
The group regularly produces reports on different topics that are then shared with services across the city to help make improvements.
Below are the list of reports the groups have produced.