
  • 18 years of age and over, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, culture or physical disabilities and
  • considered to have a mental health need with capacity and
  • compliant with medication and
  • has successfully completed escorted leave and
  • has an identified co-ordinator/lead professional and
  • is willing to engage with service and agrees to Beech standards and
  • has a clear exit plan and
  • Individuals ready for discharge from hospital who are able to move to independent accommodation but have not yet secured a tenancy OR;
  • Individuals whose mental health has improved considerably during their inpatient admission, have independent accommodation or are in the process of accessing it, but whose recovery is not yet at a stage where they could be safely discharged to independent living OR;
  • Individuals who are ready to be discharged from acute inpatient care who are not moving to independent living but have an identified place in residential care or supported accommodation which is due to become available shortly.

This service will not be appropriate for individuals who continue to need nursing care in an acute setting, are awaiting a nursing care placement or are in a residential care placement for high level more complex needs

It is also not appropriate for individuals who require personal care support.

Referral process

Referrals for step down beds are accepted from inpatient acute wards usually via the Discharge Co-ordinator.

Geographical population covered

  • The registered populations of NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB).
  • People without settled accommodation who are resident in Sheffield.

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