The Neurological Enablement Service is a specialist community based therapy team which provides support to people living with a long-term neurological condition.

Our aim is to enable our service users to live as full and independent life as possible. By building confidence, teaching new skills and making adaptations we empower the people we support to better manage their condition. 

We support any adult aged 16 or above who is registered with a GP in Sheffield and living with a long-term neurological condition, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and other neuro-muscular conditions. 

The team consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, a clinical psychologist, specialist assistive technologist, therapy assistants and administration staff.

When you are first referred to us one of our team of specialists will work with you to carry out an assessment of your needs. This assessment is usually done over the phone.

From there we’ll match you with the members of our team who can help meet your individual needs. That may mean working with a Physiotherapist to help with your balance, mobility and walking or an occupational therapist to help you with practical daily tasks. You may also work with a speech and language therapist who specialises in communication and any issues you have with swallowing, or receive support from an assistive technologist who can help you with alternative communication or consider ways for you to access your environment, such as being able to control your television, use your computer or turn lights on. 

Our multi-disciplinary works closely together and draws on each other’s expertise to best support you, your family or carer. 

The Neurological Enablement Service forms part of the Trust’s Long Term Neurological Conditions service which also includes the Neuro Case Management Service and the Sheffield Community Brain Injury Rehabilitation Team. We work collaboratively with these services if your needs require this. 

We may also work alongside other services in Sheffield, such as the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, social services and voluntary services. 

How is the service accessed?

You must be referred to our service by a health or social care professional. You can also refer yourself (or have a family member do this for you) if you have previously received care from the service in the past. 

When you are initially referred to us you’ll come through to our Referral Point Unit who will triage your referral to ensure you are put in touch with the right service. 

You can take a look at our eligibility and selection criteria here.

To make a referral download a referral form here. Once you have completed a referral form please email it to

If you have had a stroke and this is your primary diagnosis please speak to your GP who may refer you to the specialist community services Sheffield.

Sharing your feedback on Care Opinion

Care Opinion is an independent organisation that gives you the chance share your experience of using our services, to help us make changes that benefit everyone. 

We want you to share honest feedback about our services. Good or bad we want to hear what you think. 

You can choose how much detail you want to go into about your personal story, but if there’s anything we could improve on we want to know. 

You can give feedback by filling in the form below.