News listing
We've introduced a new freephone number for our Single Point of Access service.
It's understandable to feel scared, worried or anxious. If you're struggling we're here to help.
From Monday 19 October to Friday 23 October we're holding our first online Quality Improvement Week and you're invited to join us!
We've teamed up with Sheffield Flourish  to present art from the communities we support at an exhibition at the Moor Market.
We are giving everyone who works at SHSC a free flu vaccination.
Today Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC) are proud to renew their commitment to being smoke free.
We are getting ready to begin our flu vaccination programme in October, where we will provide vaccinations for everyone who works at SHSC.
A new tool that gives and early warning on a deterioration in a patient's physical health has been introduced in our services.
We’re asking you to share your thoughts on our community mental health services as we review our current model and see what a possible new model could look like.
We’re launching a new project that will put issues of racism on the table and bring people from Sheffield Health and Social Care together to find solutions and make change.