Experts combine at Clinical and Social Care Strategy engagement event

Clinicians, carers, experts by experience and people from across Team SHSC came together to discuss the Clinical and Social Care Strategy at an engagement event on Tuesday at the Workstation.

It was an opportunity to hear updates from key speakers, take part in interactive sessions to learn more about the different pieces of work that are happening, and provide feedback and input into future plans.

Mike Hunter, executive medical director, opened the event talking about the background to the strategy and the core workstreams within it. He reminded attendees about what these are:

  • Person-centred - considering the whole of a person and acknowledging that services need to fit around individuals and not be 'one size fits all’
  • Evidence-led - using evidence to tailor interventions to people's needs and using evidence to support the care we provide
  • Trauma-informed - asking what has happened to a person to understand what the positive steps might be to support them
  • Strengths-based - seeing the things people are good at, not just their problems
  • Work to be driven through meaningful coproduction running throughout it.

Mike spoke about how this is being implemented through layers of networks from a local level through to a whole city, and wider across the South Yorkshire system. The intention is to build fairness of experience and opportunity while tailoring to the specific needs of each area.

Jo Sessions and Bongeka Mafu talked about the ROOTs tool, which we are using across SHSC to measure and discuss how trauma-informed teams are from a staff and service user perspective. They talked about what it is, the progress made so far in implementing it and what's on the horizon (more on which will be published on here soon).

Alix Smith, outcomes lead, and the team supporting the patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) roll out in the Trust talked about the ‘recipe to make the PROMs cake’ – which is coproduced and co-facilitated, and has the ability to change people’s lives.

Between the presentations everybody had chance to discuss each workstream in more detail through the use of storyboards presented by each workstream lead. They also had a chance to talk about the communications for the Strategy – how effective they are and how we can make improvements. All the staff attending were happy to act as local champions for the strategy back in their working area! These small group discussions were really fruitful and led to interesting ideas and insights being shared.

Mike closed the day, saying: “If we're going to do this, we have to work together. It's the only way.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the strategy and what it could mean for you or your teams, please contact

Read the strategy in full here.