Eligibility and selection criteria - Endcliffe Ward (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit)


The selection criteria for Endcliffe Ward (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit/PICU) are applicable to the following and admission will be considered if the service user is:

  • 18 years of age and over, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, culture or physical disabilities and
  • detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5(2)), who are assessed as evidencing a high level of risk/disturbance which requires a locked environment with a high staff to service user ratio;
  • PICU will consider accepting a service user direct from the community where the anticipated risks of assessing the service user on an open ward are too high or,
  • Consideration of the risks and benefits of admission to PICU (compared to other available environments) suggests that it is the most appropriate environment at the time e.g., serious behavioural difficulties that compromises the service users physical or psychological wellbeing, or that of others, that cannot be safely assessed or managed/treated in an open acute ward or;
  • Significant risk of aggression, absconding with associated serious risk, suicide or vulnerability in the context of serious mental health disorder;
  • Service users with a primary diagnosis of dementia or other organic brain disease, learning disability, severe brain injury or personality disorder will be considered for admission as long as the PICU provides the most appropriate environment for their care;
  • Service users with a forensic history or involvement will be considered for admission as long as the PICU provides the most appropriate environment for their care;
  • Service users assessed as too high a risk for the PICU environment should not be admitted, unless the PICU is being used as a the most appropriate stop-gap pending a more secure bed becoming available;

Referral process

SHSC flow coordination team oversee all referrals for inpatient admission 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

These referrals are subject to thorough clinical gatekeeping assessments to ensure individuals require admission to a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit.

The majority of service users are referred from internal inpatient wards and/or are subject to Ministry of Justice restrictions.

Geographical Location

  • The registered populations of NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB).
  • People without settled accommodation who are resident in Sheffield.