New project promoting importance of sexual health for our service users

A new project is underway promoting the importance of sexual health for our service users.

The aim of the project is to train and support SHSC staff so they can better assist and support service users.

Kathleen Myrie, an improvement facilitator with the Trust, is running the project which involves training sessions for staff around giving advice about self-testing, learning the correct labelling of samples and ensuring that sexual health is considered when anybody uses our inpatient services.

SHSC will also have access to screening kits onsite, as well as information leaflets for service users.

The project also looks at how we can have better links with Sexual Health Sheffield (SHS) to ensure that our service users are able to access screening.

Staff and service users alike will be able to access ongoing information sessions via SHS Sexual Health Promotion Advisors, and there will be opportunities to access information sessions and resources from Sheffield Working Women’s Opportunities Project, which provides intensive support for women involved in street prostitution. This will ensure we have an awareness of the service and can signpost our service users where required.

Sexual Health Week

Sexual Health Week runs from 11-17 September 2023.

Sexually transmitted infections continue to be a significant source of physical ill health, emotional challenges, infertility and social stigma.

Across the Trust, it is important that we empower our patients to have safe and confidential discussions around their sexual health choices and needs.

Screening for common sexually transmitted infections can now be carried out discretely using self-test kits provided by local sexual health clinics in the privacy of a person’s bathroom.

Early identification is key to minimising complications. 

You can find out more from Sexual health Sheffield and Brook, a national organisation providing free information and support from sexual health experts.

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