Evaluation of Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation complete

This week the evaluation of Sheffield’s early implementer Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation was published.

The Primary and Community Mental Health Service is our community mental health service for adults and older adults. It is jointly delivered between Team SHSC, Sheffield Mind and Primary Care Sheffield.

To share the evaluation work, there was an event attended by local and national stakeholders, health, social care and voluntary sector partners and service users.

Here is the:

If you would like to know more about the work to establish the Primary and Community Mental Health Service you can watch this video.

Our evaluation was led by Professor Damian Hodgson of Sheffield University Management School, it is the first of 12 national evaluations to be completed.

Professor Tim Kendall, national clinical director for mental health NHS England says in the intro to the evaluation: "In 2019, we began making the biggest investment into community mental health services in the history of the NHS. With an additional investment of almost £1bn per year by 2023/24, the NHS asked every area of the country to rethink what ‘help’ looks like and to reconsider how they provide that help so that people from all parts of their communities can more easily and quickly access support.

"I am pleased to say that Sheffield has risen to the challenge and can rightfully be proud of its key achievements in delivering the new models of care, closer to home to greater numbers of people. Community mental health services are now embedded in Primary Care Networks with an increase in the workforce and access to evidence-based treatments."

The next steps following the publication of the evaluation reports are:

  • Making sure we can meet the demand for services in Sheffield
  • Bringing together different organisations with different cultures
  • Making sure the Integrated Care Board prioritise Primary and Community mental health services.

If you have any questions about Primary and Community mental health transformation please contact James Sutherland: james.sutherland4@nhs.net

Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation evaluation meeting