Dovedale 2 has moved to Burbage ward

Staff and service users have moved from Dovedale 2 ward to Burbage ward today.

Burbage ward was originally renovated and reopened in November 2022 to include 16 ensuite bedrooms, a de-escalation space, relaxation space, comfortable lounge and large dining room.

All of these projects have been undertaken to put the comfort and safety of our service users at the forefront, removing ligature anchor points and creating high quality environments for care.

The move allows Maple ward’s staff and service users to move over to Dovedale 2, which will happen this summer. 

That will mean we have addressed the last part of the changes the Care Quality Commission (CQC) told us to make to tackle risks caused by ligature anchor points in our adult acute inpatient areas.

We then plan to refurbish and redesign Maple ward to remove ligature anchor points and improve the environment.

A big thank you to everybody at Burbage ward for making the move such a smooth success, and to the teams involved in the therapeutic environments programme for their work to create these new spaces.

Burbage ward team with balloons and welcome sign